Solar Eclipse Insights

🦋 Pialli Community! 🦋

Just wanted to take a Mariposa Mindful Moment to check-in with you all on this Eclipse Season ✨ 🌚

Yesterday, the Eclipse reminded us to stay indoors, to be in meditation, & to reflect on our darkness, our shadows,

the old patterns that we tend to fall back into when we are dysregulated, when someone hurts us, or when responding to others.

Eclipses are heavy emotionally, energetically, and physically.

So it is important for you to listen to your body, to your Energía, and tend to your moods.

It is not your fault you are feeling this way, it is not Universe’s fault you are feeling this way.

It is an opportunity where Universe, Luna, & Sun are asking you: “are you ready to release?

to let go of those old patterns of being that do not serve you? or are you going to continue behaving & responding this way?

During Eclipses, we are invited to look inward, we are confronted with what we thought we had worked through

or have been avoiding for a while, and thus, it is a time of transformation.

Not only that, but it was also a New Moon! talk about Darkness 😆

And the New Moon invites us to begin planting seeds for this new cycle.

So I want to invite you to reflect on the last 6 months:

Where have you been?

Where are you now?

and Where do you want to be?

Last, although the Eclipse was yesterday, know that there might be some lingering shadows,

also known as the “post-shadow period” so give it another 3-7 days for you to come back to your natural self.

In the meantime, be sure to take care of yourself:

Tend to your Body - Notice what sensations are present,

and ask it “what do you need in this moment?

Tend to your Heart - Notice what it’s feeling,

and ask it “what will make me feel better in this moment?”

Tend to your Spirit - Notice what it’s missing,

and ask it “what would you like to come back to?”

I hope this message reaches you in a good way

and allows you to come back to yourself in a gentle and loving manner.

It is about creating trust & tenderness for yourself, because you DESERVE it!

And if you are wanting deeper guidance on how to come back to yourself and connect to Ancestral Healing Practices,

reply back to this email if you would like to work 1-1 with me.

Or come out this Saturday to a FREE Community Safety Conference

happening at USC (details in flyer below, scan QR code to register), where I will be leading a Plática on

“Connecting with each Element as Medicine” 🌊 🌱 🌬️ 🔥

Also, please SHARE this blog to YOUR TRIBE

so they can also come back to themselves. 🦋


Decolonizing La Virgencita


Decolonizing Spirituality