Decolonizing Spirituality
Ever since I was a little niña I felt a pull towards the “Dark Arts,” the “Occult.”
Growing up in a Catholic household this was a big No-No. I was indoctrinated to believe que todo eso era cosa del Diablo. Because religion taught us to be afraid, to have shame. So I spent a big part of my child-hood feeling afraid & ashamed for feeling a connection to Luna, for wanting to be awake at night, en la oscuridad (even though I felt more alive/energy at night) & this stopped me from pursuing my curiosity (because, you know, curiosity killed the cat).
And now? I cringe. I cringe just thinking that I lived in fear & shame. It wasn’t until I began giving myself permission to explore, to confront my fears/doubts/shame that I was able to begin feeling WHOLE & AWAKE & BALANCED.
This is what our indigenous ancestors knew to be true. That when we are in balance with ourselves (mind, body, heart & spirit), with Mother Earth, the elements, & with each other, that is when we feel whole. And guess what? I also began to heal. And that is not scary or shameful at all.
One of my current personal spiritual practices that brought this reflection up for me is connecting to Spirit-Guides via Tarot. I remember always wanting to get a Tarot reading when I was a teen and in College, but I didn’t do it because I was scared.
Scared that I would be a “sinner” that it was “cosa del diablo.” And until I felt ready to confront this fear, cuando dije “Ya Basta, give yourself permission to experience the occult, & see for yourself.”
That’s when I brought my first Tarot Set.
I remember being in my friend’s living room, surrounded by other amazing Muxeres, my tribe. I was pregnant with my second Semilla, they were hosting a Baby Shower for us, and my friend showed me her Tarot set. I was AMAZED! She began talking about her experience & connection to Tarot & that’s when it hit me. My friend opened-up my curiosity, I released all fear, and I bought a Tarot set for myself. To bring this story to a close, it was by surrounding myself with my Tribe, that gave me permission to explore, to hear how Tarot was helping her, & the rest is here.
I am thankful & grateful for my Tribe, my community, who continues to validate & affirm what I have always known deep inside of me, that the connection, the pull I feel towards Luna, towards Spirit, and “the occult” is not scary or shameful, but it is about self-growth & healing. This has been 17 years in the making for me. This journey of Decolonizing ourselves, our Spirituality, and allowing ourselves to connect to Luna, to Spirit, to Mother Earth, to the elements.