Prayer to Tlalok
We are currently in crisis in our dear LA as the Fires continue to spread.
So I wanted to share a Ritual & Prayer to Tlalok:
for the Rain to come,
to help stop the Fires.
Tlalok is the Rain Energía for our Mexica & Tolteka Ancestors.
And as Water is Life, our Ancestors would pray & give ofrendas to Tlalok,
to ask for Rain and Abundance for the Crops.
As these days have been heavy for us who live in the LA area,
May we continue to uplift & support each other.
So here is a Ritual & Prayer you all can do individually or collectively,
to call upon Tlalok, the Rain,
to ask Ehekatl, Wind, to slow down,
to let Tonantzin, Mother Earth, know that we are here, and to be gentle with us.
You can do this outside or indoors:
1.) Set-up an Altar:
Include the 4 Elements (Earth, Wind, Fire, Water)
A picture/depiction of Tlalok
Offerings for Tlalok - seashells, corales, sea animals, tamales, tortillas, semillas, copal
Instruments: sonajas, drum
2.) Light your Fire element:
Start with a Prayer to Creator, Spirit, Universe (whoever you wish to invoke).
Give thanx for everything you have.
3.) Ask Tlalok to be present, to hear your prayer
Speak to him from your Heart and ask for Rain,
for the Rain to go where it needs to go in a good way,
to help stop the Fires.
4.) Ask Ehekatl, Wind, to stop blowing, so the Fires do not spread.
5.) Put some Tobacco down on the Earth
Tell Mother Earth we are here in a good way,
and to be Gentle with us.
6.) Sing a song, play the Sonajas and/or Drums
as an offering
7.) Close/End with a Prayer
Give thanx to Creator, Spirit, Universe (whoever you invoked)
Give thanx to Tlalok, Ehekatl & Mother Earth for listening.
Give thanx for everything that you have.
Turn your fire off when you are finished.
I hope that you continue to Pray and Engage in Radical acts of Resistance in support of our Relatives in Falasteen (Palestine) & all of those affected by the LA fires.
I hope this Prayer & Ritual helps you feel Grounded during moments of crisis,
so that we can continue the good fight.
Porque esto solo ha comenzado, and we need to be ready to continue.
Lastly, I want you to feel safe to Comment & contact us to let us know what thoughts, reflections, & emotions are showing up for you.
We Heal in Community, so allow yourself to express what is showing-up for you,
because we get to honor our Healing process in whatever stage we are in. 🫀