Full Moon en Leo 🌕

Just wanted to take a Mariposa Mindful Moment to check-in with you all on this Full Moon en Leo 🌕

I was sitting in meditation with the EnergĂ­as of this month, and I received three main EnergĂ­as to focus on:


So I wanted to share these messages with you:

VISION: “I envision a better world”

Take time to dream. Pause & Reflect.

What do you envision for our Future?

HOPE: “For Liberty & Justice”

Plain & Simple.

There is nothing else but DEMANDING Liberty & Justice.

What do you Hope for our Future?

PROGRESS: “In these Revolutionary Times!”

Come back to and center on “Progress.”

What are some WINS you or community have accomplished, and see in this Revolution?

It gets heavy FAST when we just see and hear “bad” news, so remind yourself that there is also good.

Look to the Organizers, Youth, Healers. Anyone and anything that is being done during these revolutionary Times.

This will allow us to SHIFT from “crisis” to “Revolution.”

It’s easy to feel the weight of the world. But shift your gaze.

From crisis to revolution—we are moving forward.

So I invite you to take a moment to sit with these EnergĂ­as-Affirmations, Breathe, & take time to Reflect what comes up for you.

What’s one small action you can take toward vision, hope, or progress today?


Prayer to Tlalok